How to create a happy home

There is a smile on your face. You bought a house or apartment. You cannot wait to move there and turn this place in your “home sweet home”. A place where you feel happy and relaxed. Designers use some tricks to create happier domestic spaces. And scientific studies prove that with certain “rules” you create a happier environment. Curious to find out what these tips, tricks and rules are? Read further and soon you will know what can help to create a HAPPY HOME!
Use of colour
Colours have a huge influence on our feelings and reactions. Studies by several universities say you should paints your walls yellow or green. These two shades will bring a happy feeling. Yellow is optimistic and cheerful. An asscoiation with sunshine. While green is the colour of balance and growth. An association with being healthy. Yellow and green are both eye-catching colours. It is not necessary to paint your whole house in these colours. A single wall in a room will already give you a feeling of well-being.
Pets are part of the family. They play an important role in the happiness of a human being. According to certain research pets give great support to their owners. They reduce social isolation. Their presence improves the life quality of the owner.
Did you ever realize that making your bed has an influence on your happiness? More than 70% of the people that make their bed in the morning consider themselves happy. While 60+% of those who do not make their bed find themselves unhappy.
Fresh flowers
Rutgers conducted a survey on the influence of fresh flowers on your happiness. It came out that flowers trigger happier emotions. They contribute to more satisfaction with life.
Candles with vanilla scent
A study by Chemical Senses revealed that the scent of a candle has influence on your state of mind. Many of us light a candle after a stressful day to relax. Scented candles bring happiness.
Photos of the good old days
Looking at old photographs can bring you a happy feeling and a calm mindset. So, bring out that big box with pictures from the past. Select a few and create a happy collage.
Less is more
There is a clear link between a high cortisol level (stress hormone) and women who´s houses are full of items. More items create more stress. So, find a bin bag and get rid of some stuff.
A Daily
Writing a daily makes you happier. Research showed that reading in your diary generates a happier feeling. Nowadays beautiful stylish notebooks are available. Choose one that matched with your interior. Put it on a table with a nice pen and for example a bunch of fresh flowers. Like this you create a happy vignette.
Floral scents
According to studies floral scents increase feelings of happiness. Scent receptors in the nose link to the brain part that determines emotions. It is recommended to buy a floral home perfume or air freshener.
The above tips were all based on scientific research. Below we will state a list of what Designers do to create a “Happy Home”. The Happy Home should be warm, stylish and calm.
Nature in your house
Nature reduced inflammation, it improves concentration, and it restores mental energy. So, bring in some nature. Add some plants to bring green. No green fingers? Choose low maintenance plants like succulents and air plants. Designers and scientists agree that fresh flowers influence your mood positively.
Bright and Light
Designers recommend a light-filled living space to feel happier at home. A good example is the Scandinavian design trend. Emphasize the natural light that enters your home. For example, by using mirrors on strategic place to reflect the incoming daylight. If your house lacks natural light, try to use warm whites and avoid the cold tones.
A bit of color
Some of us will feel joyful with a bit of colour in their home. Saturated colours work very well. Find out which colour makes you happy. Use this tone, for instance, to paint a few walls. Even if this hue is unusual in homes. Dare to do it and let your home be the mirror of your personality.
Neutral backdrop
A neutral backdrop bring joy to your home. It highlights your beloved art, photos and objects. Seeing them will bring positive memories and emotions which will make you happy. But make sure you get rid of all the items in your house that are no longer reflect your personality.
Symmetry brings structure and definitely helps to deal with the mess of daily life. It brings a feeling of comfort and order. Our brains react best to a symmetry of 3 items. Remember this number when you want to create vignettes or symmetrical arrangements. Some designers find it playful to put one item a bit out of the symmetry. According to them this twist adds fun and visual attraction.
A designated happy space
It is good to create a personal happy space in your home. Here you can relax, escape and chill. It depends on the individual what this happy space is. It can be a reading corner, a bathroom designed to feel pampered etc.
Get rid of unwanted items
Designers agree that if you want to live in a happy place you have to get rid of all items that you grew out. Keep those that bring you joy or serve a purpose. This wis improve your psychological and physical wellbeing.
The team of Orange Villas wishes you a great time in your Happy Home!